Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Traditional Medicine Delivered with Modern Knowledge

Acupuncture, Nutritional Guidance, Cupping Therapy, Gua Sha Therapy and Herbal Formulas, are just some of the Services offered by Karen Lin,  L.Ac. (NJ, NY); M.S; MD(China) in Cranford New Jersey.

 Karen Lin graduated from the Eastern School of Acupuncture in New Jersey.  After excelling as a student, she subsequently became a faculty member teaching the clinical research class to third-year students. As an acupuncture practitioner, she helps people change their lifestyle and improve their overall health. 

She established Harmony Acupuncture and Wellness, LLC in Cranford, New Jersey, as her own clinic to treat people with various conditions. Long before working in this field, Karen earned her M.D. degree from Guangzhou Medical University in China in 1992 and worked as a physician in the affiliated hospital. Later she came to the United States to continue her education and obtained her Master’s degree in biochemistry in 1996. Since then, she has been working in the biomedical research field. With her medical background and knowledge in science, her career as an acupuncture practitioner finally took off. 

Truly, Karen has always had a passion for Chinese medicine since she was a child as she witnessed her mother, who was also a doctor, using traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture to successfully and effectively treat numerous patients with complicated diseases. 

Karen believes that as a practitioner it is important to understand the patient and to build trust between herself and the patient. In working with the patient, we will adopt and utilize different methods to customize the treatment plans for each individual. By keeping these points in mind, one can successfully not only treat the symptom but the whole person. Karen also sees the importance of acupuncture and herbal medicine; for they both improve  overall health, mentally and physically – as Plato once stated, “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.” 

"Please don't take chances with your health. A wellness plan that's easy to understand and follow through on is key to good health all throughout your life. Make acupuncture a cornerstone of that plan, and you're well on your way to living a life that's balanced, active and free from pain" -Karen Lin